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Climbing on rock and ice
„Les Amants des Drus“

Les Amants des Drus

Bertrand Delapierre (Frankreich) - 52 min

Saturday, 13. Nov. 2010 from 08:30 GrĂ¼ner Saal       

The Dru is a mountain with two peaks in the Mont Blanc range. Its 1,100 m West Face has always challenged the best climbers coming to Chamonix. In the winter of 2004, three climbers of the latest generation, Guillaume Avrisiani, Philippe Batoux and Christophe Dumarest, ventured up the Lafaille route, the most modern one on this face, which can only be climbed with technical aid. Additionally, stock footage and the testimony of actual witnesses, like Guido Magnone, Catherine Destivelle and Christophe Profit, retrace the fabulous history of this mythical mountain.
