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Nature and Environment
„Hannes Jaenicke im Einsatz für Gorillas“

Judith Adlhoch, Eva Gfirtner (Deutschland) - 30 min

Friday, 11. Nov. 2011 from 14:00 Congress Graz - Blauer Salon       

Three of four gorilla species are in imminent danger of extinction. The only living space for gorillas, the rain forests of Central Africa, is being destroyed by greed. There is a brutal war going on for the raw materials gold, copper and coltan, which are needed for the production of mobile phones and computers. The German actor Hannes Jaenicke sets off on the dangerous quest to the last mountain gorillas. The encounter with those animals, whose genetic material coincides to 90 percent with that of the humans, is a touching and a awesome experience for him.
