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Nature and Environment
„Voyage au bout de l’Hiver“

Voyage au bout de l’Hiver

Anne & Erik Lapied (Frankreich) - 76 min

Wednesday, 09. Nov. 2011 from 19:30 Schubert Saal 2       

Never before, has this mountain revealed itself as being so brutal. Never before, had nature demonstrated its superiority so obviously. When the filmmakers Anne and Erik Lapied decided to document the life of the wild animals in the national park Gran Paradiso, they had no idea that one of the harshest winters of decades would be imminent. In the middle of December, 1,5 metres of new snow fell within less than 24 hours. Ibex, chamois, mountain hares and eagles had to struggle to survive. Under these harsh conditions, only the most adaptable species can hope that the snow will melt soon.


Nomination 2011

Kamera Alpin in Gold 2011

A slow film about an extraordinary harsh winter in the mountains. Synchronized with nature in time, we share the compassion for the animals with the farmers who are enduring the same dramatic development.
