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Alpine and foreign cultures
„Bhutan - Unterwegs zum Volk der Laya“

Bhutan - Unterwegs zum Volk der Laya

Peter Weinert (Deutschland) - 44 min

Friday, 12. Nov. 2010 from 16:00 Stefaniensaal       

In the Himalayas, the small people of the Laya has been living for 500 years in one of the remotest valleys of Buthan. The camera team had to achieve a strenuous foot march lasting several days to reach their villages located at an altitude of 4.000m. They were accompanied by the 18 year-old Buddhist monk Lhaba, who -as every year- set off from his monastery to visit his family in his village. It is summer, and the purpose of his visit is also to help his family with the crop, whilst his father takes care of the yak herds on the higher pastures of this lonely mountain region. This film shows the every-day life of the Laya, their culture and their strategies to survive under such harsh conditions. However, the film also documents the gradual introduction of modern life, thus of the outside world, via satellite receivers into this region which had been isolated for centuries.
