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Alpine and foreign cultures
„Nepal - Die Dschungelapotheke der Chepang“

Nepal - Die Dschungelapotheke der Chepang

Peter Weinert (Deutschland) - 44 min

Saturday, 12. Nov. 2011 from 14:00 Stefaniensaal       

The Chepang are considered as the original inhabitants of Nepal, now they are living in the south west of the land, in the valleys of the Maharabat Mountains. Far away from the tourist turbulences in the high mountains, they are living in simple huts like centuries ago. Men go hunting, women harvest the few cultivated plants or simply everything which nature offers. The Chepang are famous for their knowledge about the fruits of the woods, particularly about the pharmaceutically important ones. They consider an unimpressive liana, called Gurzho, as the nectar of Gods, which can be prepared in many different ways and heal a lot of different ailments.
