„Im Herzen des Balkans - Auf der Suche nach dem Luchs“

Im Herzen des Balkans - Auf der Suche nach dem Luchs
43 min
Cornelia Volk (Deutschland)
Nature and Environment
When & Where
Saturday, 17. Nov. 2012 from 08:45 / Congress Graz - Blauer Salon       Ticket Order >>
The aria of circulation of the Balkan lynx corresponds to the “Green ribbon” territory along the Iron Curtain between Albania and Macedonia. According to scientific estimation, there are only less than 100 animals left, with a declining tendency. After weeks of waiting, the Macedonian biologist Gjorge Ivanov succeeds finally in trapping a Balkan lynx. They call it Marko, they equip it with a transceiver neckband and hope that this will help to explore the habits of Europe’s rarest cat. For a certain time, Marko’s transmitter allows them to reconstruct its ramble in the Mavrovo national park. Suddenly, the GPS-data flow is interrupted. Where is Marko?