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Nature and Environment
„Wildes Japan (Teil 1): Schneeaffen und Vulkane“

Wildes Japan (Teil 1): Schneeaffen und Vulkane

Thoralf Grospitz, Jens Westphalen (Deutschland) - 44 min

Friday, 12. Nov. 2010 from 13:00 Congress Graz - Blauer Salon       

Japan is mega cities like Tokyo on the one hand-side, and remote mountain valleys with seemingly strange traditions on the other. This island full of contrasts extends 3000 km from north to south. In the extreme north on the island Hokkaido one can still find the rare Manchurian cranes performing their extraordinary courtship dance at Siberian temperatures and huge groups of giant sea eagles catching fish between the ice floes in the sea. In the Japanese Alps on the main island Honshu, macaques live searching for food in the deep snow. Impressive pictures of rare animals and breathtaking landscapes!
