„Donau – Lebensader Europas: Zwischen Flut und Frost“

Donau – Lebensader Europas: Zwischen Flut und Frost
50 min
Michael und Rita Schlamberger
Nature and Environment
When & Where
Friday, 15. Nov. 2013 from 20:30 / Kammermusiksaal       Ticket Order >>
Floods in summer, ice blocks in winter – the extremity of the seasons have also an influence on the Danube, whose waters are also fed by the tributaries of our Alps. It is a river of many different faces which due to its power has considerably and sustainably impacted on nature and civilisation. Whereas the floods in the meadow lands or in the delta provide a fertile soil, they mean a serious danger for cities and housing built along the regulated sections of the Danube. Men live rarely in harmony with the changing conditions of the water, as in the Croatian village Cigoc, situated in the centre of an alluvial forest. Here the river is still allowed not regulated and therefore looses its destroying impact.