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Da chatschaders e da chatschads (Von Jägern und Gejagten)

Da chatschaders e da chatschads (Von Jägern und Gejagten)
25 min
Casper Nicca, Stefan Dobler, Curdin Fliri (Schweiz)
Alpine and foreign cultures
When & Where
Hunting has many different faces and facings. Odilo Oswald is searching his ideal chamois buck in the mountains around the Piz Seraglio in the Münster Valley. Richard Cantieni and Michael Magnasch cross slopes and valleys via Wergenstein in the Schamser Valley, looking for a chamois goat. Also the tasks of the game keeper Werner Degonda from Cumpadials in the Surselva are revealed in a fresh way. The tension during the hunting season is enormous, for all of them.