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Die großen Tierwanderungen in Spanien

Die großen Tierwanderungen in Spanien
44 min
Heribert Schöller (Deutschland)
Alpine and foreign cultures
When & Where
The transhumance is a very old tradition. In the early summer, when the vast landscapes of central and south Spain begin to dry out, herds of sheep, cattle and goats are driven several hundreds of kilometres to the mountains, an area with more precipitation. However, things changed dramatically in the 1960s, due to the EC agricultural policy. The great transhumance had almost disappeared, and in consequence as well many natural cultivated landscapes, traditional agricultural systems and numerous wild animals and plants. Since the 1990s, naturalists and shepherd associations fight for the maintenance of the transhumance – with success. This documentary accompanies shepherds and animals on their several weeks long migration, it reports their stories and about the landscapes, through which they are hiking, from Andalusia to the Cuenca Mountains, from the Extremadura to the Sierra de Gredos.