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Sonam – Mein Ladakh

Sonam – Mein Ladakh
60 min
Helmut Lechthaler (Italien)
Alpine and foreign cultures
When & Where
The 77-year old Ladakhi Sonam Tsetan knows the mountains and the people in Ladakh like no-one else. In 1974 he was one of the first to offer trekking tours for tourists and to open a guest house, since the opening of the border to India. Since then he has led many trekking groups in the western part of the Himalayas. In this film Sonam reports his experiences and adventures. The film maker Helmut Lechthaler accompanies Sonam on a trekking tour, they visit and pray at a Buddhist monastery, then visit a miller in an old stone mill, workers at a grain harvest and nomads at an altitude of 4500m.