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REdUSE - don't waste our planet (beyond competition)

REdUSE - don't waste our planet
46 min
Alois Indrich, Gertrude Reinisch
Nature and Environment
When & Where
Did you ever ask yourself, from where the cotton comes for your T-shirt and under which conditions it has been produced? Or from where the lithium in the storage battery of your mobile phone is coming from and what happens to it, when the mobile phone is disused? We depend on raw materials, water and energy. Mankind consumes more natural resources than ever before, about 50% more than 30 years ago. Competitions and conflicts regarding the dwindling resources become harder and harder and the third world countries and their people are exploited without any mercy. REdUSE - reduce, reuse, recycle is a project by GLOBAL 2000 and „Friends of the Earth“ meant to reduce the consumption of raw materials in Europe – which is one of the greatest challenges of our time. To follow new ways and to take the future into the own hands would be an important contribution to more fairness between the north and the south.