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Michael Martin – Abenteuer Wüste – Über Wasser und Eis auf Grönland

Michael Martin – Abenteuer Wüste – Über Wasser und Eis auf Grönland
43 min
Viktor Stauder (Deutschland)
When & Where
The geographer, photographer and desert explorer Michael Martin exchanges his motorbike for a motor boat and a dog sledge to explore East Greenland. In summer, the polar sea is free of ice, the temperature is agreeable and it never gets dark. In Tassilag, the biggest city of East Greenland, he meets the legendary mountaineer Roberto Peroni and gets an insight into the life of the Innuits in the 21st century. From this base he hikes to fjords and glaciers in order to get the best pictures of the breathtaking ice landscape. He accompanies an Innuit hunter to the open polar sea to hunt seals. However, he is eager to reach the inland ice of Greenland, more than 1,7 square kilometres of ice. Michael Martin wants to reach a point, with dog sledges, where there is only silence and eternal ice. But on his way, conditions become worse and worse.