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Details Tuesday, 12. Nov. 2013

Petzl Roc Trip China

Vladimir Cellier (Frankreich), 23 min, Language: E - Climbing on rock and ice

Let’s hit the road for the Guizhou province in Southwest China, specifically to the high cliffs and the Great Arch of Getu He: an intense trip to discover a mysterious land, to meet the friendly local population, and to rope up with the... more


Nikolay Skavinski (Russland), 11 min, Language: n.v. - Alpine Documentation

The two brothers Sergey und Andrey Nefedov spend 12 days in the 1,500 meter high north face of the Aksu (5.217m), in a remote area of the Kirghitz Tienshan Mountains. This film shows their perspective of their route „Transerfing“. The key passage... more


Rockin’ Cuba

Vladimir Cellier (Frankreich), 28 min, Language: F+Sp/E - Climbing on rock and ice

Six young climbers set off to Cuba to equip new climbing routes. Mickaël Fuselier and Nina Caprez travel together with Enzo Oddo, Mélissa Le Nevé, Cédric Lachat and Sébastien Boussogne. This cheery troupe install a complete sector in the Valle... more

Finisterre - Bouldering on a Shrinking Globe

David Schickengruber, Stefan Köchel , 45 min, Language: D - Climbing on rock and ice

This film deals with the fascinating personalities who mark the micro-cosmos of the climbing scenery in Galicia in northern Spain. Together with local people, three friends from Graz explore various boulder areas along the Costa da Morte and in... more