Katharina Schickling (Deutschland)
Als unsere Berge Schifahren lernten – Goldrausch im Gebirge
You do not need an extra-ticket for the "Blauer Salon" or the "Grünen Salon". If you own a ticket for the programs shown in the Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal or Kammermusiksaal, this ticket is valid for the respective whole day and you have free entrance to the whole program shown in the �Saloons�.

Mehr Information zum Blauen Salon
45 min
Katharina Schickling (Deutschland)
People & Cultures
This film presents the history of a revolution, the evolution from mountains to ski resorts. In the 1950ies and 60ies there is boom time in Bavarian Alps. Hundreds of year old farm houses give way to modern hotels, cow pastures become parking spaces, Alpine pastures become skiing slopes. The mountains lose their innocence. Where in former times one had struggled and gasped to reach the top, now the winter guests glide relaxed upwards. Skiing is now a high-tech sport with enormous energy consumption. In the rush for economic success the locals start a development which later should become their fate: they depend completely on snow, which is the basis of their business…