Hanno Mackowitz
You do not need an extra-ticket for the "Blauer Salon" or the "Grünen Salon". If you own a ticket for the programs shown in the Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal or Kammermusiksaal, this ticket is valid for the respective whole day and you have free entrance to the whole program shown in the �Saloons�.

Mehr Information zum Blauen Salon
19 min
Hanno Mackowitz
Sports in Mountains & Nature
Besides roaring freeride action and technical skiing from the two protagonists Stefan Häusl and Björn Heregger, this film brings an intriguing aspect to the table. It centres around the question of survival, of being there for each other on the mountain while at the same time being there for friends and family at home. “Dasein” portrays the everyday "normal" life of two extreme skiers with beautiful and moving imagery.