
Markus Mörth (Austria)

Markus Mörth was born in 1973 in Graz, he studied philosophy, dramatics and journalism at the University of Vienna and stage direction on the College of broadcasting and film in Munich. In 2004, he received the “First-Steps-Award“ for the best German final closing film “Allerseelen”. Since 2006, Markus Mörth has been working as a director and author für feature and documentary films. In addition, since 2007, he has been engaged as an assistant lecturer on the Karl Franzens University of Graz, on the institute for English (supplementary subject media) and, since 2013, he has worked for the "DrehbuchWerkstatt München – Steiermark“, of which he is the founder and the managing director. Markus Mörth has been awarded numerous prizes for his screenplays and films. His current feature film “Geschwister” deals with the escape of two siblings from Moldavia to Germany, and while shooting the film was confronted by the reality of the “Balkan Route”, which demonstrates the complexity of this sensitive topic.

Yannick Graziani (France)

Yannick Graziani, born in 1973 on the Côte d’Azur, climbed the Mont Blanc for the first time at the age of 16 and discovered Chamonix. In 2000, he became a qualified and accomplished mountain guide. Whenever he is not on one of his numerous expeditions on the highest summits on earth, often on new and technically challenging routes, he lives and works in Chamonix as a mountain guide. He has truly pushed his limits by his first ascent of the Makalu (8.463m) east face in 2004, and the first ascent of the Annapurna (8.091m) south face in 2013. He loves to return again and again to the Karakorum in Pakistan, as in summer 2016, when he, together with a small team, attempted to climb the Nanga Parbat on ski via the Diamir glacier, and then via a new route, - of course in Alpine style.

Herbert Habersack (Austria)

Herbert Habersack was born in 1958 in Linz. After having graduated as a Doctor of Medicine, he continued his studying at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, in the institute of film and television production. After graduating and working for many years as a film maker, he also taught there as an assistant lecturer for 15 years, and, in 2007 was promoted to a professor of film and television production. He has worked as an assistant lecturer for the relevant study courses at the College of St. Pölten as well. Herbert Habersack has continued working in project development, and as an author, director, camera man for numerous well-known Austrian and German film productions. He has shot many price-awarded documentary films, such as „Im Land Bod – Auf der Suche nach dem Alten Tibet“, „Ur-Amazonas - Fluss aus der Wüste“ (Camera Alpine in Gold in Graz 2000), and the three part series „Messners Alpen“. He has as well co-operated in 30 broadcasts of the Austrian series „Land der Berge. Herbert Habersack has often taken part in many ski, mountain and summit tours; he was tour guide and expedition leader in the Andes, in Alaska, in the Himalayas, and in the Alps. At the moment, he is studying Logotherapy, developed by Viktor Frankl and he is developing a project of a television documentary series with the title „Ein Letzter Gipfel im Herbst“.