10:00  | Dom im Berg 14:00  | Dom im Berg 15:00  | Schubert Saal 1 15:00  | Schubert Saal 2 15:00  | Schubert Saal 3 17:00  | Schubert Saal 1 17:00  | Schubert Saal 2 17:00  | Schubert Saal 3 19:00  | Dom im Berg 19:30  | Schubert Saal 1 19:30  | Schubert Saal 2 19:30  | Schubert Saal 3 22:00  | Schubert Saal 1 22:00  | Schubert Saal 2 22:00  | Schubert Saal 3

Wednesday, 09. Nov. 2016

Mountainfilm Lectures

Mit Mountainfilm Lectures startet ein neues Format, bei dem Filmemacher über die Produktionsbedingungen und ihre Konzepte Auskunft geben. Hier präsentieren Newcomer und langj�hrige Profis ihre Projekte und kommentieren die Herausforderungen in einer Mischung aus Filmpräsentation und Vortrag.
In einer Questions & Answers-Session bekommt das Publikum die möglichkeit Details in Erfahrung zu bringen.

Jörg Daiber
4 min
The Austrian Alps are not nearly as big as you may think... Shot at Mitterfeldalm near Hochkönig, Tappenkarsee,... mehr info >
Werner Schuessler
94 min
A passionate adventure journey around the globe with the world's best wildlife filmmakers, filled with their most... mehr info >
Joey Schusler
5 min
Three childhood friends set out for the far western corner of Mongolia to combine mountain biking and packrafting in... mehr info >
Christian Schmidt, Joachim Hellinger
18 min
In 2012, Tamara Lunger has seen the 8,611m high K2 for the first time in front of her: bigger than ever imagined. Its... mehr info >
Olaf Obsommer
26 min
The freestyle-kayak-world champion Nick Troutman and his equally skilled friends Mat Dumoulin, Gerd Serrasolses and... mehr info >
Johannes Mair
50 min
Barbara Zangerl from Vorarlberg in Austria was considered to be one of the best boulder climbing woman in the world... mehr info >
Jason Jaacks
10 min
Dr. Rodrigo Medellin began studying bats as an eight-year-old, when he raised vampire bats in a bathroom at his... mehr info >
Pavol Barabás
65 min
An adventurous trip on an unknown African river leads to the unique Suri tribe. During the journey we get to know... mehr info >
Sina Moser
62 min
Thanks to an intensive exchange of letters over thousands of kilometres, two people become more and more acquainted... mehr info >
Jenny Nichols & Joe Riis
28 min
Scientist Arthur Middleton, photographer Joe Riis, artist James Prosek and filmmaker Jenny Nichols join forces in... mehr info >
Tom Dauer
50 min
Their idea is simple: For five days, the musician Peter Stannecker, the mountain guide Stefan Rusch and the filmmaker... mehr info >
Curdin Fliri
23 min
Domenic Jäger has been waiting for 36 years to shoot a capital ibex. This would be the highlight of his hunter life... mehr info >
Angela Graas
44 min
For thousands of years, the San, the bushmen in Namibia, have lived as hunters and collectors, in harmony with the... mehr info >
Stephan Heise
44 min
Again, one of the strictly protected wolves has been in killed in Germany, one of seven in two years. The culprits... mehr info >
Andy Cockrum
85 min
The film chronicles the lives of two Sherpa mountaineers, their families and friends who have left the high Himalaya... mehr info >
Brigitte Kornberger
44 min
Many ski resorts offer hundreds of kilometres of prepared skiing slopes, Alpine fun parks and huge hotel castles to... mehr info >
Andreas Nickel
50 min
The Messner Mountain Museum – 6 houses, 1 common topic: the relation between “man and mountain”, which is depicted... mehr info >

Mountainfilm Meet & Screen

Im Dom Im Berg wird heuer das erste Mountainfilm Meet & Screen stattfinden. Ein Abend voller Pers�nlichkeiten, der dem Austausch und der Inspiration dient. Mit dem Slackliner Reini Kleindl und dem Bergfotografen Sebastian Wahlh�tter präsentieren zwei Profis ihre Projekte und sprechen darüber, wie sie ihre Abenteuer planen und umsetzen. Au�erdem werden die Filmemacher David Schickengruber und Stefan K�chel die Weltpremiere ihres neuesten Projekts "Anatomy of Bouldering" feiern. Aber auch dem Publikum wird eine B�hne geboten: Bei der Preisverleihung des Bergfotowettbewerbs und beim Mountainfilm Open Screen werden die besten Projekte aus der Mountainfilm Community gekürt.

Reini Kleindl, Sebastian Wahlhütter & Preisverleihung Bergfoto Bewerb
35 min
Thomas Miklautsch
44 min
“This first real attempt to cross the entire Amazon on a bicycle-boat is just an excuse to use a clean way of... mehr info >
Wojtek Kozakiewicz, Jacek Matuszek
6 min
At the end of last year, after 40 days of work, Lukasz Dudek climbed the boulder-line "Obsession", located in... mehr info >
Stefan Köchel, David Schickengruber
6 min
There will be hardly any better place to explore and to film the phenomena of bouldering than the forest of... mehr info >
Dodo Hunziker
84 min
For more than 60 years Tibetans have been fighting Chinese oppression. But their nonviolent struggle appears to be in... mehr info >
Sébastien Montaz-Rosset
52 min
In April 2015, ultra runner Kilian Jornet is preparing for an expedition to Everest as part of his project, `Summits... mehr info >
Stanzin Dorjai Gya, Christiane Mordelet
43 min
Somewhere in the Gya-Miru valley, in the dessert-like mountains of the Ladakh area in the Himalayas, a shepherdess... mehr info >
Rush Sturges
74 min
When pro kayaker Rafa Ortiz decides to follow his dream to paddle over Niagara Falls, he sets in motion an incredible... mehr info >
Jan Haft
93 min
Probably everybody knows the term „moor“, but hardly anyone knows anything precisely. It took Jan Haft, the director,... mehr info >
Pablo Martín
78 min
Who decides how we should live our lives? Carlos Suárez, one of the most important international extreme sports... mehr info >