Benoît Aymon (Schweiz)
Hombi, his Mind in the Sky
27 min
Benoît Aymon (Schweiz)
Alpinism & Expeditions

Kamera Alpin in Gold 2016

At first sight, “Hombi” is a classically narrated portrait film. The scenes of Ruedi Homberger’s alias “Hombi’s” life are vividly represented in short sequences, and together with the filmmaker, he visits the places where he grew up. A time travel in the double sense of the word starts. However, the more the film progresses, the stronger the feeling becomes that the director’s true intention is to reveal the dignity of this character with his camera. And this is what makes this film so special: Behind the chronologically narrated story, there is hidden a sensitive portrait of an always curious person, who does not want to accept any limits even those set by his age. In the last sequence of the film, a flight over a glacier including take-off and landing, this basic topic is captured in pictures. A feeling of curiosity and freedom spreads out, which stays with us far beyond the boundaries of this film.

Ruedi Homberger - aka Hombi! - is a mountain guide of Graubünden who travelled the world, camera in hand. He made his first film in 1969 and spent his life catching the best mountain climbers in the world. At the time, his films were revolutionary and since, have inspired several generations of climbers as much as upcoming filmmakers. Always ahead of his time, Hombi does not limit himself to films or photos. At the age of 58, he had to acknowledge that his physical abilities were diminished and therefore, set his mind to realize a dream: to become a glacier pilot! This is a way for him to keep one foot in the mountains while discovering what is hidden behind the mirror imposed by the horizon. The greatest quality of this character both generous and engaging, is to have kept a child's spirit. Looking at his portrait you will be convinced: it's contagious!