Details Friday, 16. Nov. 2012

13:00 | Congress Graz - Blauer Salon

13:00 “Big Five Südamerika - Die Anakonda”

Marion Pöllmann (Deutschland), 44 min, Language: D - Nature and Environment

The green anaconda – a men eating monster, mother of rivers, a primeval ogre. Fear, preconceptions and the chase of trophies have always threatened this animal. Meanwhile examples with five or more metres in length are a rare attraction. Together... more

13:45 “Im Regenwald der Geisterbären”

Angelika Sigl (Deutschland), 44 min, Language: D - Nature and Environment

A forest that lives on fish, a white bear which is not an ice bear, wolves which nourish on the sea… It is a strange, completely forgotten world on the north-west coast of Canada, shortly before Alaska. This island world with its magnificent... more

14:30 “The Phantom Cat”

Christian Baumeister (Deutschland), 48 min, Language: E - Nature and Environment

Built to kill, the jaguar is the third largest feline in the world. It is one of South America’s most beautiful and iconic animals, but it is rarely seen, let alone filmed. This program is the very first in-depth portrayal of wild jaguars - an... more

15:20 “Afrikas Mondberge”

Marcel Kolvenbach (Deutschland), 43 min, Language: D - Nature and Environment

The snow-covered „luna mountains“, the Ruwenzori, are located in the hard fought border area between Uganda and Congo. Recently this area has been declared a national park and a world heritage, and even the hunting people Bakonzo have had to lay... more

16:05 “Austrian Huskyman – if dogs run free”

Bernhard Eschenbach (Deutschland), 50 min, Language: D - Adventure

The Tyrolean musher Martin Eigentler spends 24 hours per day with his husky pack. He whispers to his 24 dogs, he almost sings with them. They look up to him, follow him; he is living in their world, they are living in his world. Throughout the... more

17:05 “Einsatz in der Südwand – Die neue Dimension der Bergrettung”

Thomas Hillebrandt (Deutschland), 30 min, Language: D - Alpine Documentation

All around the world, the mountain rescue professionals are searching for new techniques and methods in order to increase the safety in the mountains and to enable rescue operations in every situation. The worldwide first “navigation system for... more

17:40 “Im Dschungel von West Papua – Expedition auf Heinrich Harrers Spuren”

Burkhard Vorländer (Deutschland), 45 min, Language: D - Adventure

“The exploration trip to Papua has been my most difficult, fullest of privation, but also most fascinating journey. The strains were harder, the tribes were more hostile, the nourishment was more problematic, and my equipment, otherwise tried and... more

18:25 “Kulturerbe Afrika”

Goggo Gensch (Deutschland), 44 min, Language: D - Alpine and foreign cultures

Africa is a continent with more than 50 states, populated by more than one billion of humans with countless, and partly very old cultures. The old salt caravan routes of the Tuareg are leading through the desert. Since For hundreds of years,... more

19:10 “Gletscherhöhlen- Fenster ins ewige Eis”

Florian Richter (Deutschland), 52 min, Language: D - Nature and Environment

Glacial caves are almost unexplored, fading worlds which give a unique insight into the interior of glaciers. The caves which have been formed by the glacial ice are fragile and of a bizarre beauty. Most of them exist for only a few years. In... more

20:05 “River at the Centre of the Earth”

Tullio Bernabei (Italien), 52 min, Language: I/E - Nature and Environment

A mysterious underground river vanishes in Slovenia and reappears in Italy after 50 km. For two centuries man has tried to explore it. The film tells the story of the simultaneous attempt by two competing groups of speleologists from Trieste to... more

21:00 “Out on a Ledge”

David Durstberger, Christian Müller , 8 min, Language: E - Adventure

The base jumper Cameron Tracey Smith from Australia gives us a glimpse into his life. In Austria, he works as an English teacher and his hobby is base jumping. We join him on a jump in Lower Austria, where he tells us about his first BASE jump in... more

21:10 “Out Living It”

Michael Brown (USA), 44 min, Language: E - Adventure

The effects of cancer reach far beyond the physical symptoms of the disease. Those who survive often find themselves dealing with a profound loss of physical strength, community, identity and confidence, with few resources to turn to. On a quest... more

21:55 “Bottled Life”

Urs Schnell (Schweiz), 90 min, Language: D - Nature and Environment

nominiert für einen Preis (2012)

Do you know how to turn ordinary water into a billion-dollar business? In Switzerland there is a company which has developed the art to perfection - Nestlé. This company dominates the global business in bottled water. Swiss journalist Res... more