Bianca Fidani & Nils Bailey (Argentinien)
Tic Toc
Spanisch mit englischen Untertiteln
20 min
Bianca Fidani & Nils Bailey (Argentinien)
Sports in Mountains & Nature
(beyond competition)

This film is only in the competition of Mountainfilm Graz and is not available for booking. Regarding safety measures on behalf of the Corona pandemic, we sadly cannot show all films.

Pablo, Emiliano and Inaki have already failed once, to traverse the Aysen Region in south Chile in a kayak. Then, their long kayaks had prevented them from advancing into the dense rain forest, now, however, they intend to struggle through the seemingly impenetrable jungle on their compact pack-rafts in order to arrive at the Trébol Lake. This lake will be their first goal, and at the same time the starting point for the next part of their Patagonia adventure. They want to paddle on the Tictoc River to reach the west coast.
