Marion Pöllmann (Deutschland)
Life and Death in Paradise - Nach der Flut
52 min
Marion Pöllmann (Deutschland)
Nature and Environment

This film is only in the competition of Mountainfilm Graz and is not available for booking. Regarding safety measures on behalf of the Corona pandemic, we sadly cannot show all films.

Trinidad and Tobago are two special islands in the Caribbean. Only 1,500 years ago, Trinidad was still connected to the continent. However, the big predators are extinct, and now the ocelot and the tayra are on top of the food chain. Meanwhile the capuchin monkeys have adapted to the food supply and developed clever techniques. Hundreds of sea turtles lay their eggs on the shores, and in the caves, there are strange beings, which have never been filmed before. Cameras, which have been developed for space research make this possible.
