Antonio Bizzarri (Chile)
Denali, Towards the Summit of Another Man’s Dream
Spanisch mit englischen Untertiteln
19 min
Antonio Bizzarri (Chile)
Alpinism & Expeditions
This film was created in memory of Cristóbal Bizzarri Lyon, a Chilean mountaineer who died on July 22th, 2017, in the Cordillera Blanca of Perú due to an avalanche of séracs. Nicolás Gantz and Felipe Bishara, two good friends of Cristóbal’s mountain group, decided to fulfill his last dream and went in search of the longed-for summit of Mount Denali, Alaska, across its emblematic south face route. "Denali, towards the summit of another man’s dream" recounts the journey of these two friends on the mountain, the hardships they endured and the emotions they felt during the expedition. Although this wasn’t their dream, they risked everything to fulfill it.
