Start trailer
Alastair Lee (Gro)
A ticket for one of the main program blocks (Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal oder Kammermusiksaal) grants access to the whole Program of "Blauer Salon" and "Grüner Salon" on the day the ticket is valid for.
This year, Mountainfilm Graz also offers special "Salon-only"-tickets.
Mehr Information zu den Salonkarten
7 min
Alastair Lee (Gro)
Sports in Mountains & Nature
iPaddle is a persiflage of GoPro athletes whose main motivation consists in documenting their sportive selves. Instead of enjoying the magic moments on the mountain or on the water, they only care of an extended documentation with the help of mobile phones or helmet cameras. A climbing or a kayak tour seems not worthy without the respective photos and videos with which one can become celebrated in the internet. A successful dedication with a lot of good humour to this kind of sportsmanship.