Start trailer
Beat Bieri (Schweiz)
Mit Bärenwaisen durchs Tigerland
A ticket for one of the main program blocks (Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal oder Kammermusiksaal) grants access to the whole Program of "Blauer Salon" and "Grüner Salon" on the day the ticket is valid for.
This year, Mountainfilm Graz also offers special "Salon-only"-tickets.
Mehr Information zu den Salonkarten
50 min
Beat Bieri (Schweiz)
Nature and Environment
Since 25 years, the Swiss bear scientist Reno Sommerhalder has been living in Canada among these huge fur-bearing animals. In 2013, he initiated a particularly ambitious project in Siberia, trying to help young bear orphans survive their first summer. However, the crux is that the young bears must not become accustomed to humans, in order not to become a “problem bear” in adult life. The biggest threat for the Siberian bears is, beside mankind, the Amur tiger. Reno has to accept that this threat is part of the natural cycle.