Harald Pokieser, Clare Dornan
Nil - Fluss der Flüsse: Land der tausend Quellen
A ticket for one of the main program blocks (Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal oder Kammermusiksaal) grants access to the whole Program of "Blauer Salon" and "Grüner Salon" on the day the ticket is valid for.
This year, Mountainfilm Graz also offers special "Salon-only"-tickets.
Mehr Information zu den Salonkarten
50 min
Harald Pokieser, Clare Dornan
Nature and Environment

Alpine Camera Austria 2015

There were many high quality Austrian films in the Festival this year, both in terms of storytelling and the quality of the filming. It’s an enormous challenge to make an original documentary on a very popular river like the Nile, but the directors did a remarkable job. The jury was impressed by the high quality of filming and the detailed narration of the life that exists from the source to the delta. It is the story of a river that gives life to so much of Africa.

The Nile is a truly outstanding river, because it has not one, but thousands of springs. This documentary leads us to the headwaters in the African Rift Valley, a tectonic fault which has – throughout millions of years – piled up entire mountain ranges. The most famous is called Ruwenzori, it has up to 5,000m high summits. The melt waters of the glacier flow to the Nile, on adventurous detours. But also the wildlife in the fairy forests on the slopes of the Ruwenzori mountains is amazing: from the giant lobelias with the beautiful scarlet-tufted sunbirds, heather tree woods full of chameleons to the rain forests. Only a few years ago, the “true” spring of the Nile, the farthest away, has been discovered. It was found in Ruanda, in the Nyungwe National Park, where numerous monkeys scrimmage in the treetops. From there, the spring water flows to the notorious Lake Victoria.