Start trailer
Franz Walter (Deutschland)
A ticket for one of the main program blocks (Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal oder Kammermusiksaal) grants access to the whole Program of "Blauer Salon" and "Grüner Salon" on the day the ticket is valid for.
This year, Mountainfilm Graz also offers special "Salon-only"-tickets.
Mehr Information zu den Salonkarten
5 min
Franz Walter (Deutschland)
Sports in Mountains & Nature
“We humans only give a guest performance on the planet earth” – according to this motto, the filmmaker Franz Walter has accompanied five athletes in Iceland’s wild natural landscape. Too often, athletes are a foreign body in nature. “Samaya” depicts the deep relationship between men and nature in poetic pictures. This is an artistic short film, which has inhaled the awareness of nature.