Start trailer
Mikel Sarasola (Spanien)
Caminos de Agua
A ticket for one of the main program blocks (Stefaniensaal, Steiermarksaal oder Kammermusiksaal) grants access to the whole Program of "Blauer Salon" and "Grüner Salon" on the day the ticket is valid for.
This year, Mountainfilm Graz also offers special "Salon-only"-tickets.
Mehr Information zu den Salonkarten
50 min
Mikel Sarasola (Spanien)
Alpinism & Expeditions
This is not just white water kayaking, this is a real expedition: Starting from the bottom of Mount Fitz Roy, 3 Spanish kayakers paddle down some of the still unexplored rivers in Patagonia, cross the biggest and most impressive lakes in the area and walk up some glacier valleys to reach their objective, Puerto Natales, the southernmost town in the Chilean Fjordland. 23 days using only their kayaks as means of transport and carrying all the necessary stuffs (tent, food, clothes, etc.) by themselves. 600km of pure adventure in the heart of Patagonia.