Safety is important to us!

Status: 31.10. 2022

Mountainfilm Graz likes to thank all partners, and - of course - the audience, for their understanding and cooperation in 2021. Together we created a safe but also fun event!

Furthermore, we are concerned about the security at Mountainfilm Graz. Therefore, we recommend the following measures to reduce the risk of infection and spread of SARS-Cov2:

  • Wear an FFP2 mask indoors.
  • Regular hand washing and disinfection are essential.
  • Follow the now-familiar hygiene measures for sneezing and coughing (into the crook of your arm!).
  • If you do not feel well, stay at home. So you take care of your health and protect the health of others.
  • Here you can find the latest information from the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection

In all this, it is essential to pay attention to one thing: Have fun at the festival!

We are looking forward to your visit!

Robert Schauer and the festival team