Prize Winning Films 2021 - Download als PDF
Grand Prix Graz

The director makes multifaceted references to past activities of a great Italian North Pole adventurer. However, he also shows current social problem areas. A society regulated from outside struggles to survive culturally and materially. With its impressive images and subtle camera work, this film captivates the viewer. It almost seems as if the film team is not present, and the sensitive dramaturgy makes us invisible witnesses of what is currently happening.
- Jury Statement
Alpine Camera Austria

Up until now, never before seen pictures show the encounter between animals and the urban environment in the Innsbruck cityscape. The overlapping of human and wild animal habitats works apparently effortlessly well and surprises with the unexpected adaptability of ibex, chamois, weasel and other survivors in the animal world. In an artistic way, the director avoids a black and white way of thinking about the “right” kind of nature, and with his fresh and creative pictorial language he adds a new element to the nature film genre.
- Jury Statement
Kamera Alpin in Gold - Nature and Environment

This is not a pure nature film. In the area of tension between wildlife protection and agricultural way of life in the Tibetan highlands, it shows how through creativity and the courage to adopt new perspectives, solutions can be found. Three young cameramen who carefully followed an extremely shy, almost ghost-like predator for years, have turned such a threat into a great opportunity for a small community. And at the same time, they have created an exceptionally sensitive portrait of the rare and so far, hardly filmed snow leopard.
- Jury Statement
Kamera Alpin in Gold - Sports in Mountains & Nature

This film is convincing on several levels. It illustrates the development from tourism to “traditional” Alpinism, and thus the inseparable connection of those two ways of accessing the mountain world. In the past times, as well as today climbing is changing constantly and therefore remains lively. This vitality is conditioned by the inherent joy, but also by the risk, which can never be totally excluded. This is particularly evident at the level of the extraordinary protagonist. The high performance of this extremely strong climber, combined with his open and humorous personality, make this film a cinematic delight for the audience. In a setting in which cinematography is made even more difficult by the environment, the particularly high picture quality is convincing. A complex historical alpine film with real high-quality standards.
- Jury Statement
Kamera Alpin in Gold - Alpinism & Expeditions

This film shows impressively, also thanks to historic recordings what destructive effects human influences can have on nature. This is also based on the life of the US-American Will Steger, who already drew attention to the important changes through his early expeditions to the Pole regions. Those climate changes now force humans causing them to adapt to them.
- Jury Statement
Kamera Alpin in Gold - People & Cultures

Whereas some documentaries often give the impression, that nature follows almost obediently the script, here it is the other way round: the script is almost literally overrun by nature. In a charming way, reality catches up with the planned course of the story. Working with excellent amateur actors, the director has created an impressive masterpiece, which really deserves a genre of its own. Not only the landscape, but also the story about the people in it are staged in an artistic way.
- Jury Statement