16:45 | Schubert Saal 1 17:00 | Schubert Saal 2 17:15 | Schubert Saal 3 19:15 | Schubert Saal 1 19:30 | Schubert Saal 2 19:45 | Schubert Saal 3

Details Tuesday, 15. Nov. 2022

Dennis Timm
12 min Deutsch
Walter Moosmair is an organic farmer who loves tinkering with electronics. His goal is to run his family farm... more >
Sylvain Lepetit, Miyuki Droz Aramaki, Sébastien Séga
90 min Deutsch
Thirty years ago, you had to stop your car every couple of hours to clear the windscreen of insects. Today you can... more >